Thank you for helping us this International Women’s Day.
Funds raised will help provide the Hope Safe Houses with basic provisions. If we also become one of the 8 Girl Fund 2020 cohorts, it will be an added bonus that will allow us to achieve a lot more for the girls in our care.
Below are some examples of where you could organise collections, although this list isn’t exhaustive:
- Places of work
- Sports clubs
- Events
- Public places
We’ve created a toolkit to help you publicise your collection, this can be downloaded below.
Campaign timings:
- Friday 6th is when the campaign starts! We’d recommend publicising your collection with posters, emails, work of mouth, ahead of this.
- Friday 6th is also BONUS DAY! Global Giving will match donations upto $100 on this day – so if you’re able to add any donations on the Friday, please do.
- Sunday 8th is International Women’s Day!
- Thursday 12th, please add your collected funds to the donation page. You’ll need to do so with a debit or credit card if feasible.